Death benefits  

Instead, Bock, who joined the company in 2006 after a stint with General Electric, blew me away by disclosing a never-before-made-public-perk: Should a U.S. Googler pass away while under the employ of the 14-year old search giant, their surviving spouse or domestic partner will receive a check for 50% of their salary every year for the next decade. Even more surprising, a Google spokesperson confirms that there’s “no tenure requirement” for this benefit, meaning most of their 34 thousand Google employees qualify.

That’s very impressive.


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Teaching our kids

My parents worked very hard when I was growing up. They are great people, fair people. I always respected them for that. As I watch my kids, who are now 19 and 17, I realize that those are the same qualities I’ve tried to teach them. Be... Continue →