Saying what needs to be said

I was reading a post by MG Siegler the other day on how his posts could be shorter or more to the point. It got me thinking about my own writing.

When I started writing at MacCentral in 1994, my posts were basic news stories consisting of a few paragraphs. There were the odd longer stories, but not too many.

My stories at Macworld got longer over time as I did more analysis type pieces in addition to my regular news stories.

At The Loop and here at Svbtle, my stories are more direct and to the point. I don’t really do it on purpose, it’s just how I’ve progressed over the years, as I’ve honed my craft.

My only purpose now is to get my feelings out. I don’t want readers to wonder how I feel about the topic I’m writing about. If that takes one word or 500, it doesn’t really matter. I write until my point is made and then I stop.

That works for me.


Now read this

Starting with Svbtle

I haven’t had a personal blog in a few years, but I really like what Dustin Curtis is doing with Svbtle, so I reached out to him to join the network. There is a movement on the Web these days to go minimal – I’m behind that 100%. When... Continue →